Greek Flying Colors
The international success of greek players continued in the fourth Cyprus Backgammon Open, seventh and last EBGT 2011, with Dimitris Maganas reaching the semifinal after an impressive performance. In this tournament Kostas Mitrelis took the fair play award. In the Grand Finale of the 24 qualified palyers which followed, the greek colors were represented for the first time by three players : In alphabetical order Giorgos Avdis (online qualifier), Charis Christidis (greek satellite qualifier) and Kostas Mitrelis (points racer). Charis, beating Giant No 25, Paul Weaver, made it to the top twelve, while Kostas in his second consecutive participation made it to the triad (bronze medal and a substantial money sum). Greek Backgammon Federation congatulates all the greek players and wishes more and even bigger distinctions for the greek colors in the upcoming year.