2012-2013, Day 6, top-10 master points

Here follows the annual special ranking after January's tournament. At the end of the season only the 7 (out of 10) best results of each player will be counted, ensuing by a Play-Off phase.

1 Κάτσιος 178
2 Μπονάνος 145
3 Θανόπουλος 142
4 Χιωτίνης 141
5 Γρούτσος 140
6 Αυδής 137
7 Προυκάκης 132
8 Μακρής 121
9 Σουρβάς 115
10 Χανδρινός 113

ensued by 67 players

By clicking the attached file you 'll find the full results of Day 6, ranking, the Play-Off phase (if the Championship had been finished now), and statistics

bg_jan_2013_.xlsx (110.8 KB)